Legal notices

Company details :

SAS EDAC - 45 allée des Grands Champs - B.P. 66 - 79260 LA CRÈCHE – FRANCE
Tél. : 05 49 25 40 29 - Fax : 05 49 25 14 49
RCS Niort B 410 225 544


Editorial responsibility :

Despite all checks, some errors may occur in the information provided (descriptions, references, etc.). We cannot be held liable for this in so far as only the information sent to sales points who distribute our products is authentic.


Website hosting :

Orange Business Services
Our servers are located in France.


Safety notice :

For security reasons and to provide access to all, this website uses software to control traffic on the site, to identify unauthorised login attempts or changes to information and any other actions likely to cause damage. Unauthorised attempts to load information or alter information aimed at causing damage and in general, any damage to the availability and integrity of this site is strictly prohibited and liable to punishment as a criminal offence. The fact of accessing or remaining fraudulently within any or part of an automated data processing system is punishable by two years' imprisonment and a fine of EUR: 30,000 (article 323-1 of the penal code). The fact of fraudulently inserting data into an automated processing system or fraudulently deleting or modifying the data it contains is punishable by five years' imprisonment and a fine of EUR: 75,000 (article 323-3 of the penal code).


Confidentiality policy

For details of our confidentiality policy related to personal data, please refer to the following page: confidentiality policy..


Property rights - Copyright :

The content and layout of the website together constitute a work protected by applicable copyright and intellectual and industrial property laws. Names or descriptions and logos are registered trademarks. Any creations appearing on the site, drawings, photographs, images, texts, animated sequences with or without sound and other represented documentation, are subject to copyright, industrial and/or intellectual property rights and are, depending on the situation, the property of EDAC SAS or third parties having authorised SAS EDAC to use them. There must be no commercial use, reproduction, representation, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, marketing, partial or in full of these items (including those that can be downloaded or copied) without the prior written consent of EDAC SAS, with the exception of private use subject to different or even more restrictive provisions of the Intellectual Property Code. In addition to copyright, violation of any of these industrial and/or intellectual property rights constitutes an infringement, in particular punishable by 3 years' imprisonment and a fine of EUR: 300,000.


Website creation

The website is created by the Information Services Division of DEYA DISTRIBUTION SAS.


Photo credits :